
Birthplace: USA

Birthday: 2000

Where Do You Live Now?: USA

Sibling(s): Younger brother

Looks: 6’ 0”, slender, longish black hair, dark brown eyes

Favorite Animal(s): My German shepherd

Favorite TV Show(s): Beavis & Butt-Head, old-school Simpsons, The Sopranos

Favorite Kind(s) Of Music: Rock, metal, alternative, electronic

Favorite Movie(s): T2

School: College

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Not atm

Favorite Candy: Snickers

Hobbies: Reading, writing, fixing my car, watching movies, listening to music… the usual

Things You Collect: Books, CDs, ticket stubs

Do You Have A Personal Phone Line: Yes

Favorite Body Part Of The Opposite Sex?: Fat thighs

Any Tattoos And Where Of What?: None, tattoos are cool but I’d get sick of them in a week

Piercing(s) And Where?: I’ll pass

What Do You Sleep in?: Shirt & pants

Do you like Chain Letters: Nah

Best Advice: Everyone fakes it until they make it. Some people are just better at hiding it than others

Favorite Quotes: “Menschlich ist es bloss zu strafen, / Aber göttlich zu verzeihen. (It is only manlike to punish, / But godlike to forgive.)” – Peter Winter; "What the son wishes to forget, the grandson wishes to remember." – Marcus Hansen

Non-Sport Activity You Enjoy: Discovering movies to watch and music to listen to

Dream Car: Black 3rd gen Camaro

Favorite Thing To Do in Spring: Walk outside

What’s Your Bedtime: Whenever I want

Where Do You Shop?: Online and secondhand stores

Coke or Pepsi: Coke, I like Pepsi Zero too

Favorite Thing(s) To Wear?: Black leather jacket

Favorite Subject(s) In School?: Math, English, computer science

Favorite Color(s): Black (blue and purple are close seconds)

Root-Beer or Dr. Pepper?: I don’t like Dr. Pepper

Do You Shave?: Yeah

Favorite Family Member(s): My mom

Did You Eat Paint Chips When You Were a Kid?: Hell no

Favorite CD you own: Changes all the time

Favorite Food(s): Italian. Any kind of pasta

Who Is The Hottest Guy or Girl In The World?: Hmmmm

What Is Your Favorite Salad Dressing?: Caesar salad

When You Die, Do You Wanna Be Buried or Burned Into Ashes?: Burnt

Do You Believe In Aliens?: Yes

If You Had The Chance To Professionally Do Something, What would You Do?: A trust fund baby :P I don’t mind my job so probably the same thing I do now. Doing your hobby professionally takes the fun out of it anyway.

Things You Obsess Over: My CD collection, dawn/dusk photography

Favorite Day of the Week: Saturday

A Teacher You Hate: Dumbass “human geography” teacher I had in high school

Favorite Disney Movie: Don’t like Disney movies

What Is Your favorite Season? Tie between winter and spring

What Toppings Do You Like On Your Pizza?: Mushrooms

Do You Like Your School Food Itself (As In The District Food): Graduated years ago but it was ok sometimes

If You Could Live Anywhere, Where Would You Live? Somewhere with lots of pine trees

Favorite Thing(s) To Do On Weekends: Music, clean, relax

Favorite Thing(s) To Get Clean up: My laptop’s hard drive after the semester is over

Favorite Magazine(s): Old magazines I find in the attic, in thrift stores, or online

Favorite Flower(s): Those white and yellow daisies that pop up in weeds. They’re just underappreciated

Favorite Number(s): 18, 22

Favorite Ice Cream flavor(s): Vanilla

What Kind of Guys/Girls Are You Attracted to?: Smart girls with similar values to me. Shortish hair would be nice

What's Your Most Embarrassing Moment?: Not telling

If You Could Change One Thing About Yourself What Would It be?: The last ten years… just go back in time and do them all over again, but with what I know now

Do You Eat Breakfast First Then Brush Your Teeth or Brush first then eat breakfast?: Eat breakfast

Favorite Time of Day: Dawn/Dusk

Can A Guy and Girl Be Just "Best Friends?": Maybe

Do You Ask the Girl / Guy Or Do You Wait For Them To Come To You?: Depends

Do You Mind Paying For Sex?: Not my thing

What’s The Most Important thing in Someone’s Personality?: Open-mindedness

Do you have a pager or cell phone? Cell phone

Favorite Sport: Is hiking a sport?

What Was the Best Gift You Ever Received?: My first computer when I was a kid - an old iMac. I still have it :)

How Long Did This Letter Take You To Finish?: 30 minutes

What Did You Listen To While Completing It?: Silence

Are you or would you like to be married in the near future (next 5 years)?: Why not

Don’t u just hate how psychics never win the lottery?: Couldn’t care less

Last updated: 20 Apr 2024

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